Who We Are
We are a team of musicians dedicated to leading our congregation musically in worshiping Jesus.
What We DoWe use a blend of music and technology to point people to God, making less of ourselves and more of Jesus, as we make music that PROCLAIMS CHRIST, MAKES DISCIPLES, AND GLORIFIES GOD.
These are the current positions we have and are looking to fill:
- Drummers
- Bass guitarists
- Electric guitarists
- Acoustic guitarists
- Keyboardist/Pianist
- Male and Female Vocalists (Must know how to harmonize!)
All band members must be able to play to a click track.
Why We Do ItWe believe that God can use music to move in power, and speak to us in the areas of our hearts where we need to hear from Him. More than a way to hear from God, music is also a way for us to Respond to who God is and what He’s done! Music is a powerful tool through which we can Proclaim Christ, Make Disciples, and Glorify God.
“Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16 CSB (emphasis added).Interested in serving in the Band?
Apply Here