FREEDOM from sexual sin and addiction

Trapped in the bondage of pornography or sexual affairs?

Feel like there's no way out? You don't need to stay in that dark place.
Call or text Logan at 907-565-9890 for more information or with any questions. 100% confidential. We take anonymity very seriously.

Do you hate how much you look at pornography and feel like you just can't stop? Are you struggling with the shame of being involved with the shame of being involved in promiscuous relationships? Connect with men who are living differently. Men who are actively walking in freedom.

Prodigals of Alaska is a network of men and local groups providing Christ centered recovery and coaching for men struggling with addiction to sexual sin.


Hope & Healing for Women Recovering from Betrayal

If your partner has been unfaithful (whether it be through pornography, affairs, or other forms of infidelity) you are not alone...

Betrayal trauma is one of the most damaging ways a woman can be harmed. Sadly, it's often not talked about or very well understood.

If you are hurting, please contact Partners in Process to connect with women who know what it takes to begin to truly become whole again.

Our goal is to work through Christ-centered healing while navigating through the pain.

Partners in Process is a recovery group specifically for women. It is a sister group to "Prodigals", a group specifically for men struggling with sexual addiction.

Please email Carrie with any questions you may have or to connect directly with a mentor who has walked this path herself.