New around here? Be sure to sign up for Explore Creekside! Class will be held this Sunday!
EXPLORE CREEKSIDE Are you new to Creekside? Welcome! We would love to get to know you and let you know what's going on around here! Join us THIS SUNDAY after the 2nd service for an interactive time with some staff and spiritual leadership team. Let us know you're coming by registering online!
WARM UP THE VALLEY Isn't it great to come together as a church family to bless the community we live in? For the month of September, bring new or gently used winter gear and drop it in the box in the lobby. We especially need adult and older kid gear.
CREEKSIDE KIDS FAMILY WORKSHOPTHIS SUNDAY at 4:00pm. The theme for this workshop is to dress in orange and yellow! Bring a dish to share and wear your favorite fall colors. We'll also enjoy a fun churchwide scavenger hunt activity.
EQUIP CLASS: FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Need some help organizing your finances or getting on the right track? We will be starting Financial Peace University on September 15th at 11am. You must pre-register so we can reserve materials for you. Please Email Pastor James with any questions.
CREEKSIDE KIDS CONNECT Creekside Kids Wednesday evening program will be starting up again NEXT WEDNESDAY! It will take place every other Wednesday starting September 11th at 6:30pm.
MISSIONAL COMMUNITIES! You've been waiting... the time has come. Are you ready to find your people? Pastor James and his team will be in the lobby this Sunday ready to help you. Sign up by CLICKING HERE or stop by the table in the lobby if you have questions.
COFFEE AND PLAYDATE Moms! Are you looking for a place to connect while your babies play? Join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 10am in the kids chapel.
CREEKSIDE YOUTH IS BACK!!The summer may be winding down but the Creekside Youth is winding UP! All Middle School and High School students are welcome to join for Wednesday night Youth Group every WEDNESDAY, at 6:30pm in the downstairs youth room.
Ladies Evening Bible Study will be starting up on Tuesday evenings beginning September 3rd. The study will be "Jesus and Women" by Kristi McLelland. Cost is $25. Please register online as soon as possible so we can have a book for you!
Ladies Tuesday AM Bible Study will be starting up a new study on TuesdaySeptember 24th. The study will be "He is Enough" by Asheritah Ciuciu. Cost is $11. Please register online as soon as possible so we can have a book for you!
Creekside Youth Parent Portal Check out the Creekside Youth Parent Portal at to find out all of the latest youth news the most up to date activity calendar! Get involved by becoming a Student Leader, becoming a Parent Partner or joining the Snack Squad!
JOIN THE SNACK SQUAD! We are blessed with a growing youth group and we all know those teens love snacks! Sign up to bring a snack for youth group on one or more Wednesday nights this year!
Men's Bible Study All Creekside Men are welcome to join us each Saturday morning for time in the Word as well as food and fellowship. We meet each Saturday morning at 8:00am in the downstairs kitchen.
October 18-19
Ladies' Retreat Mark your calendars! More details coming soon!
We can't wait to see you Sunday!
The Creekside Team
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:23-25