EQUIP: BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES Join Pastor James as he teaches about discipleship and biblical principles. In this class, Pastor James will be teaching and leading discussion on topics such as prayer, studying the Bible, fasting and more. The class will take place on Sundays at 11am beginning next week, March 23rd in the downstairs youth room. There is no cost, but you must register.


CREEKSIDE YOUTH You don't have to be a singer... You just have to like Fondue! Meet in the youth room on Saturday, March 29th, at 6pm and get ready to show off your skills OR just come for the cheese. Either way, we want you there!

EASTER FAMILY WORKSHOP Hey Creekside Families! Next month we have a very special workshop called The Easter Week Walk. As a family, you will take a journey through the final week of events leading up the the Resurrection of Jesus. We hope to see you Saturday, April 12th, from 10am - 12pm. We are also looking for VOLUNTEERS to help with this event. If you are interested, reach out to Elisabeth Jacobson.

RESPOND On Wednesday, April 2nd, bring your whole family for this very special night of worship. We will sing of His greatness together. The evening starts at 7pm. Youth, you will meet downstairs at the regular time (6:30pm) and then join in for the worship night. Childcare is available for babies through Kindergarten.

MISSIONAL COMMUNITIES! It's exciting to see people connecting through our Missional Communities. In fact, we need more MC's. We are looking for at least 10 more hosts and/or leaders. Is the Lord laying this on your heart? Are you willing to serve in this way? If so, talk to Pastor James.

1504 (Psalm 150:4) Guitar for His Glory! We will learn to play the guitar THROUGH praise, and we will use the Guitar TO praise!! Youth beginner guitar lessons every Wednesday at 5pm in the youth room.

THE LIONS DEN Creekside Youth are invited to join us every Tuesday & Thursday at 3:30 PM in the youth area downstairs. Come ready to sweat-bring your workout clothes as we train together and then spend time in God's Word. Let's start the year strong, growing physically and spiritually through Faith, Friends, Family, and Functional Fitness. 2 Timothy 2:21 reminds us to "…ready yourself for every good work." Join us and build strength inside and out! ??

COFFEE AND PLAYDATE Good news!! Coffee and Playdate is now every Wednesday morning at 10am instead of every other Wednesday. Moms: Bring your kiddos to the Kids Chapel and let them play while you visit with other moms.

Creekside Youth Parent Portal Check out the Creekside Youth Parent Portal at to find out all of the latest youth news the most up to date activity calendar! Get involved by becoming a Student Leader, becoming a Parent Partner or joining the Snack Squad!

Men's Bible Study Every Saturday morning at 8am, all men are welcome to join us in the downstairs kitchen area for a Bible study. On the 4th Saturday of the month we have breakfast together.

Good Friday

We will have a special service Friday, April 18th at 7pm.

Easter Sunday

Celebrate the Ressurection of Jesus with us during any of our three service times: 8:30am, 10:00am, and 11:30am.

We can't wait to see you Sunday!

The Creekside Team

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:23-25
Giving Target as of Mar 01, 2025
Received as of Mar 01, 2025
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