Creekside Kids
Parent Portal

proclaim christ

telling every child who Christ is

make disciples

teaching the stories of the Bible and the disciplines of faith


teaching kids to live for Christ

Welcome to Creekside kids!

Your first visit

Look for the Creekside Kids check in area when you arrive.  A friendly staff member or volunteer will help you register and check your kids in and then help you locate the correct classroom.

As we value the safety of the children placed into our care, we collect guardian information, a phone number, information on each child, and any special factors (e.g., allergies, medical info).  

Check in at a kiosk involves entering your phone number, picking who is staying in Creekside Kids, and receiving three stickers for each child.  One for the child, one for the teacher, and one for the guardian to keep for pick up.  

Kids can be dropped off in their classrooms as early as 15 minutes before the service/program starts.

Our Groups

Each group hears the same Bible lesson, but tailored to their ability levels.  Music, prayer, and the hope of Jesus is shared with every child.  Our Rainbow and Fireweed groups incorporate more play, while our Trees and Mountains groups are challenged with more Scripture memorization and life application. 


Can I donate supplies?
Absolutely!  Running Creekside Kids takes a lot of supplies.  Everything from Bibles to cups to snacks to craft supplies and so much more!  Check out our list here!!
How can I volunteer?
As per our protection policy, Creekside Kids volunteers must have attended Creekside for at least 6 months, consider Creekside their home church, complete an application, and pass a background check.  If you would like to serve, please let us know through our interest form! (There is a spot on the form that lets you see and choose which volunteer opportunities interest you). 
What version of the Bible does Creekside Kids recommend?
We aren't too picky!  We recommend that kids bring their Bibles (preschool-5th grade) every Sunday so that we can help them learn to use their Bible.  

We provide Christian Standard Bibles (CSB) in the classroom and as a one-time gift.  This is a version that is readily available (and is also sold in our bookstore), is easy to read, and is a good balance between thought-for-thought and word-for-word translation.  

From the Kids Director

Thanks for checking us out and I hope to see your family checking in soon!  We are so excited to come alongside parents and teach children about God, the Bible, and His big plan for their lives.  Our staff and volunteers strive to provide every child with a Biblical foundation, so that they can come to know Jesus personally.  Feel free to chat with me at the check ins on Sunday or drop me an email throughout the week.
--Elisabeth Jacobson

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