2/19-  Regular Youth Group @ the church 

 Bring a friend!!!   See you there!  6:30- 8:00PM


  • Read Luke 16:1-10 (The Parable of the Dishonest Manager. The most misunderstood parable)
  • Discussion Questions-
  • How does the way payments were collected back then vs. how we receive paychecks today, change our understanding of the parable? 
    • (Back then, the ‘steward or manager’ of the property would add his fee on top of what was owed.  The combined total was the debt owed.  The original debt plus interest and ‘management fees’.  When the shrewd manager cut the debts owed to the land owner… he was likely cutting many of his own fees & interest charges in order to create a friend and a business ally)

  • 5 Primary Lessons from the Parable
  • #1- BE FIRM-
  • What do we learn about ‘being firm’ and standing up what is right in this parable? 
  •  (The land owner, when he saw some shady business dealings going on, immediately called his manager to accounts and fired him.  We need to deal with dishonesty quickly and abruptly.  Be Firm!)
  • #2-  BE HONEST-
  • What do we learn here about dishonesty and a lack of integrity?  (V.1 & 2)
    • (The truth will find you out!  You may get away with dishonesty for a while, but the truth will eventually find you out!)
  • #3- BE WISE-  
  • Who are the ‘Sons of this world’ and who are the ‘Sons of light’? 
    • (The ‘Sons of this world are unbelievers.  The ‘sons of light’ are believers)
  • What does the parable say that unbelievers do better than believers?   (v.8) 
    • (They secure their early kingdoms.  They plan for themselves and secure their futures.  The whole point is that unbelievers will do ANYTHING to advance their earthly kingdoms and secure their futures, while believers don’t do nearly as much to secure our heavenly futures and to advance the Kingdom of God, even though it is of immensely more value!)
  • How does verse 9 encourage generosity among your friends?
    • (In the same way that unbelievers use their wealth to make friends and influence people… Believers should always be pouring into other peoples lives in order to ‘Advance the Kingdom’.  Believers should always be using their wealth to ‘Advance the Kingdom’.)
  • What does verse 10 teach us about faithfulness and dishonesty?
    • (Character matters!  Honesty and integrity matters!  If a person will be dishonest with a little, they will be dishonest with a lot!)
We are ALWAYS in need of adult student leaders.  The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few! If you've got a heart for kids and a heart for Christ, we would love to give you a place to serve! We need you!
Our Parent Partners are simply a group of committed parents that want to help out whenever possible.
"I can bring snacks", "I can give rides", "I can be a chaperone", "Just let me know what you need and I'll see if I can help!"
We are blessed with a growing youth group and we all know those teens love snacks! Sign up to bring a snack for youth group on one or more Wednesday nights this year!
It has been such a joy beginning the process of getting to know your students here at Creekside and I am humbled to be entrusted with the task of pointing them towards Jesus.  I realize when a church hires a new youth pastor, there is a natural tendency to think that they are here to work with the teens.  Whereas that is certainly a part of my role, mom’s & dad’s, I want you to know that I’m also here for YOU!  Parenting is no easy task, and as parents you will absolutely be the number one influence on your children and upon their spiritual formation!  As you seek to point your kids towards Jesus, please know that you aren’t in this alone!  If there is anything at all that I can do to support you as you shepherd your children, my door is always open!
Contact Pastor Chris at the church (907) 376-5576 or chris.vansiegman@creeksideak.com
Follow Creekside Youth on Facebook and Instagram
In order for students to participate in various youth activities throughout the year, we need to have a parental waiver on file for your student.  You can fill out the parental consent form here for your convenience.
Click HERE to access.