This week!!

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  • “Walking With Jesus”
    • Over and over we see scripture compare our lives to a journey or a race that we are on.
    • Hebrews 12:1b  “….let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”
    • Every one of us is in a race.  Every one of us on a different path.  And God had a plan in mind when He created you!  And just like Jesus had a plan that was set before Him that he walked in obedience to follow…. God has a path for you that is already mapped out!  So HOW do we know that plan?  How do we follow His path?
    • Psalm 119:105-  “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
    • God’s word is there every step of the way along our various journeys to illuminate our next step.  So that you can navigate the twists and the turns.  So that you can see the obstacles.  So that He can help you through the difficulties.  So that He can guide you through rocky terrain.  And trust me… at times the terrain gets sketchy and you will begin to doubt yourself and focus on fear and worry!
    • Psalm 23:4-  “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
    • Isn’t it interesting that he says that the Rod and Staff COMFORT him?!  Sometimes we think of the Rod & the Staff as instruments of discipline not of comfort, but by far the most common use of the rod and the staff were simple bumps and nudges in the right direction. 
    • Obviously, the Butte is a simple hike.  Not too tough to NOT get lost!  But guaranteed, life is not like that.  There are twists and turns.  There are junctions and detours.  There are hurdles, obstacles, steep grades, and challenges.  There’s darkness and fog and sometimes there’s no street signs or trail markers to be seen.  There’s accidents and pitfalls and tragedies along the way!  The path isn’t going to be easy, there’s no doubt about that.  The question is whether or not we will seek God’s direction for us or choose our own path?  The question is whether or not we will look to God’s Word to direct our steps or choose our own steps.
    • Isaiah 41:10-  “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
  •    God promises to be there with us every step of the way.  Are you seeking His guidance?

We are ALWAYS in need of adult student leaders.  The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few! If you've got a heart for kids and a heart for Christ, we would love to give you a place to serve! We need you!
Our Parent Partners are simply a group of committed parents that want to help out whenever possible.
"I can bring snacks", "I can give rides", "I can be a chaperone", "Just let me know what you need and I'll see if I can help!"
It has been such a joy beginning the process of getting to know your students here at Creekside and I am humbled to be entrusted with the task of pointing them towards Jesus.  I realize when a church hires a new youth pastor, there is a natural tendency to think that they are here to work with the teens.  Whereas that is certainly a part of my role, mom’s & dad’s, I want you to know that I’m also here for YOU!  Parenting is no easy task, and as parents you will absolutely be the number one influence on your children and upon their spiritual formation!  As you seek to point your kids towards Jesus, please know that you aren’t in this alone!  If there is anything at all that I can do to support you as you shepherd your children, my door is always open!
Contact Pastor Chris at the church (907) 376-5576 or
Follow Creekside Youth on Facebook and Instagram
In order for students to participate in various youth activities throughout the year, we need to have a parental waiver on file for your student.  You can fill out the parental consent form here for your convenience.
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