Life On Life. Life in community.
Life on mission.

What are Missional communities? 

Missional communities are different than your normal small group model. Missional communities serve three purposes: Life on Life, Life in Community and Life on Mission. MC's serve the function of making disciples within and outside of the group. MC's eat together, REAP together and make disciples together. 


It’s exciting to see people connecting through our Missional Communities. In fact, we need MORE missional communities! We are looking for at least 10 more hosts and/or leaders. Is the Lord laying this on your heart? Are you willing to serve in this way? Talk to Pastor James.
Life on Life:
  • Spiritual Leadership: Provide consistent spiritual guidance through prayer, scripture reading (R.E.A.P.) and facilitate discussions that deepen members' faith and understanding of God's word.
  • Community Building: Foster a culture of openness, vulnerability, and mutual support, where each member is encouraged to grow in their relationship with God and others. Create opportunities for members to share their stories, challenges, and victories.
  • Accountability: Hold members accountable to Christ-centered values and encourage one another toward personal transformation and spiritual maturity.

Life in Community:
  • Evangelism: Encourage and equip the group to intentionally engage with those outside of the community (friends, neighbors, coworkers) to share the message of Christ and invite others to experience His love.
  • Discipleship: Create an environment where the group can grow in their ability to make disciples, nurturing relationships that go beyond just the group itself, extending the invitation to others to join in the faith journey.
  • Gospel Proclamation: Be intentional about creating opportunities for gospel-centered conversations, aiming to build relationships that open doors for the message of Jesus to be heard and embraced.

Life on Mission:
  • Outreach and Service: Lead the group in practical acts of service that demonstrate God's love to the local community. This could include volunteering at local shelters, supporting neighborhood initiatives, or meeting the tangible needs of others (e.g., food, housing, counseling). 
  • The One: Ensure that the missional community focuses on ‘the one’ in each others lives that need to hear the gospel. This could mean inviting these people to events put on by the missional community or by praying over those people mentioned. 
Step into a calling that changes lives—yours included—as a Missional Community Host! You’ll be the home of a small group, opening your home to ignite a time of Life on Life, Life in Community, and Life on Mission.

As a Missional Community Host, you’re the heartbeat behind the scenes, bringing people together through the gift of a shared meal and the care of their children. You’ll help plan and prepare food to nourish the group, setting the table for connection and conversation. You’ll also arrange childcare, creating a space where kids can thrive while parents conversate. With a heart for hospitality and a willingness to serve, you’ll help your Missional Community grow stronger together and in the Lord.
If you are interested in joining a small group or volunteering, please register. If you have questions, feel free to email Pastor James with questions.